Monday, July 18, 2011

Wind in our sails!

Fair winds be a-blowin', and buzz be a-buildin' for "YARRRH! The Lusty, Busty Pirate Musical."

First, a committee of hearing impaired Fringe fanatics has picked YARRRH! as one of the shows they would most like to have ASL described. We are honored! As a result, the performance on THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 at 8:30 will be ASL described at no cost to you or to us. (A big hand for the awesome Fringe folks!) A friendly warning: Historically, this is one of the best-attended time slots of the Fringe, so make your reservations early if you want to attend an ASL-described performance!

Second, the Fringe has asked five local arts figures what shows they are most looking forward to seeing ("Fringe Tracks" at Tif Roberts, accurately described as "the funniest cabaret host in the world," picks YARRRH! as one of her most highly anticipated shows. "Ok, call me a thespian lesbian," she writes, "but three actresses playing ten gender-bending roles, naughty language, boobs, pirates, and boobs. Yo ho, ho. It is indeed a pirate's life for me." Clearly, Tif is coming to our show with the proper (or improper?) attitude!

Third, we have been invited to plug our show on KFAI's FRESH FRUIT as part of their annual Queer Fringe Binge. So turn your knobs to 90.3 FM from 7:00-8:00 on Thursday, July 21! Ariel Pinkerton Leaf, coproducer and actor (Captain Desirée La Femme etc.) will be telling all --- or at least as much as she can without spoiling major plot points. We are proud of this invitation. While we consider YARRRH! to be a rollicking good time for adults of any sexual orientation, we hope that its camp quotient and pansexual naughtiness will make it one of this year's most GLBT-friendly Fringe productions.

Finally, we will be delivering live and in person an official YARRRH! tease at the Fringe-for-All on Monday, August 25. The first three minutes of our show will be delivered by two of our talented, lovely, and intrepid actresses at Mixed Blood Theatre. The cost for the event is a $4 Fringe button (which you'll have to buy anyway to see any Fringe show) and you will actually have the opportunity to see a whole mess of three minute previews, so you might get some ideas of what other shows you want to see at the Fringe. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. and we'll be on --- well, somewhere in the show. We'll find out about an hour before you do. Whee!

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